St. Patrick’s School is dedicated to developing young boys and girls who have strong and positive self-images, who strive to do their best in all of their endeavors and who recognize their responsibility to themselves and others. St. Patrick’s Catholic School strives for excellence through a strong academic program and a positive discipline plan. Our students are encouraged to take their Catholic education beyond the walls of the classroom and to share it with others. The children are taught that their community is much broader than the one in which we live and that they have a responsibility to the larger world.
“St. Patrick’s School has given our children a strong faith foundation. They are surrounded each day by teachers, staff, and friends who share the important goal of living like Jesus. Through service projects and daily interactions, our children know first-hand the joy that comes from serving others with their kindness and compassion.”
-Dave and Laura (Parents of Carmella ’16, Catherine ’18, and John ’19)