The study of fine arts are a critical part of St. Patrick’s academic mission. Whether it is performing in a class play, creating original art work, or performing in a concert. Our students explore, express and create at every age. Our fine arts classes are dedicated to developing each student’s appreciation, abilities, and self-confidence as creative beings.
Students begin their exploration of art at an early age.
Pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students meet once a week with a teacher dedicated to art instruction. Students study and explore a variety of techniques and media. Often, the art curriculum corresponds with units students are studying in history, English, science, or foreign language. Student work is proudly displayed in our school hallways.

Students in PK- grade 8 participate in weekly music classes. In music class, students learn musical concepts and appreciation through the use of age appropriate tools and lessons.
Our youngest students enjoy singing, playing rhythm games, and dancing. Our upper elementary students learn hymnal singing, note-reading, rhythm, and other musical concepts. Our middle school students learn how to be song leaders at weekly Masses, begin singing in harmony, and compose songs of their own. We help students find their best singing voice and encourage all students to participate using proper vocal technique. In working to keep all students interested in music, we utilize activities such as bucket drumming, rhythm slap games, music in the movies, and immersion in musical theatre old and new. All students participate in our annual Christmas Pageant – a St. Patrick’s tradition! Junior High students also have the option of participating in the school’s spring musical as an extracurricular activity.