Learning Support

Learning Support Program (LSP)

Miss Cara Costello, Lower School (Kindergarten – Grade 8) and Reading (Grades 1 & 2)
Mrs. Kelly Burgess, Junior High (Grades 7-8)
Mrs. Susan Thiel, Testing Coordinator (3-8)

The resource program provides additional academic support for students with diverse learning abilities. The goals of the program are to create academic independence and teach self-advocacy. In order to optimize the teaching and learning process, differentiated instruction is provided in 1:1 or small group settings. Additionally, academic assistance is provided within the whole class setting. The implementation of accommodations, and the development of study skills strategies are essential components of the program.

Students are selected for the support program once our Student Assistance Team (SAT) and classroom teachers have collaborated to identify which areas of academic support will best enhance a student’s instructional needs. These interventions are implemented as early as possible, and in doing so, we strive to develop good study habits and independent learning skills. The partnership between parents and teachers plays a key role in providing an effective and individualized approach.

The Mission of the Learning Support Program:

  • Create life-long learners who are able to advocate for their academic needs
  • Implement Catholic Accommodation Plans and Individualized Catholic Education Plans to support students’ varying learning styles
  • Provide differentiated instruction
  • Communicate among parents, teachers & evaluators to assess the effectiveness of student accommodation and/or educational plans.
  • Demonstrate effective use of technology to aid instruction
  • Conduct Student Assistance Team meetings to identify and support students with social, emotional and/or academic needs.
  • Challenge students to “own” their learning – build independence and instill responsibility