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St. Patrick’s Catholic School is a supportive community that champions respect and offers a rigorous curriculum.


St. Patrick’s School is rich in tradition, and heavily invested in faith and family. Ours is a nurturing, safe, supportive learning environment that thrives from the contributions of all of its members. Our committed faculty and staff and our dedicated parents work to ensure that St. Patrick’s is a place where children grow in a faith-based learning environment.

14: Sip & Shop
16: Greg Gannon Food Drive 8:30 a.m.; Trivia Night 7:00 p.m.
26: Noon Dismissal; Aftercare available until 6:00 p.m.
27-29: Thanksgiving Holiday
12-13: Santa Shop
14: Breakfast with Santa
18: Christmas Pageant 6:30 p.m.
20: Noon Dismissal; Aftercare Available until 6:00 p.m.
23-31: Christmas Holiday
1: Holiday
2: Classes Resume
15: Winter MAP Testing Begins
17: Noon Dismissal; Aftercare Available until 6:00 p.m.; End of the 2nd Quarter
20: Martin Luther King J. Holiday
24: Report Card Distribution PK-Grade 8; PK Open House 9:00 a.m.
26-31: National Catholic School Week; Annual Book Fair
31: Open House for Prospective Families K-Grade 8 9:00 a.m.

The School Advisory Board and Home & School Association share a quick reference  for new parents or returning parents wondering how they can get involved and/or give back to St. Patrick’s School. Please take a minute to review the guide. There are many ways to get involved at St. Patrick’s School!


National Blue Ribbon Seal

St. Patrick’s Catholic School, Rockville IS NAMED ONE OF THE BEST IN THE NATION

U.S. Secretary of Education, John B. King, Jr., announced that St. Patrick’s Catholic School has been named a 2016 National Blue Ribbon School. St. Patrick’s Catholic School is one among 279 public and 50 private schools receiving this honor.