
Kindergarten at St. Patrick's

Classroom: Mrs. Melanie Koller
Instructional Assistant: Mrs. Eileen Guihen

Kindergarten Highlights:

The following are examples of some of the goals or standards for students in Kindergarten. Teaching is differentiated based on the needs and the skills of each student. If a student is able to achieve more, activities and work is structured to enable this to occur.

  • Imitate, talk about and illustrate some of Jesus’ loving actions
  • Demonstrate the ability to show sorrow when a child has hurt someone
  • Explore their faith through prayer in the classroom and in Church
  • Participate in outreach projects including making sandwiches for local hungry and collecting items for children in Haiti in order to strive to be like Jesus
  • Distinguish the sounds in words stated aloud and blend the sounds to make new words
  • Use illustrations and text to draw conclusions and answer given comprehension questions
  • Demonstrate that writing has meaning by using pictures, letters, and words to convey ideas
  • Identify, describe, sort, compare and classify objects by shape, size, color, number of sides and other identified attributes
  • Recognize tens and represent them as groups of ten and ones
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of addition and subtraction

Faith and Service in Our Classroom:

In Kindergarten there is a great emphasis on treating everyone kindly and fairly. Frequent discussions and role-playing activities take place so that children can better understand the behaviors that Jesus would want and why. Throughout the year, we have additional discussions about how we can care for others as Jesus asks us to do. Kindergarteners donate shoes for children in Haiti in addition to communicating with them through letters and pictures and sending them school supplies. Sandwich-making occurs during Lent in an effort to better understand that there are people who are hungry and need our love and care right here in Rockville.

Expectations of Excellence

Students will strive to:

  • Demonstrate self-control
  • Play and work cooperatively with others
  • Be like Jesus by demonstrating kindness towards all

“St. Patrick’s has given our children a strong faith foundation. They are surrounded each day by teachers, staff, and friends who share the important goal of living like Jesus. Through service projects and daily interactions, our children know first-hand the joy that comes from serving others with their kindness and compassion.”

– Dave & Laura (Parents of Carmella ’16, Catherine ‘ 18, and John ’19)